


There can be few more aptly named theatre companies than Lost Text/Found Space - The Times

Lost Text/Found Space make site-based performances in hidden spaces for adventurous audiences.

We work in unique, found spaces with lost texts, bringing unheard voices from the past to the present. We create layered performances which are multi-sensory, engaging and playful. We also work with local community partners and aim to create exceptional accessibly priced performances for Peckham's community. 

Lost Space/ Found Text’s approach is gentle and intimate, guiding the audience through the performance and inviting them to participate in small ways. The performers’ refrain ‘Can you help me?’ is an invitation, not a command.- Exeunt Magazine

Lost Text/Found Space is the creative collaboration of director Rebecca McCutcheon, designer Talulah Mason, producer Emily Briselden-Waters and dancer/performer Flora Wellesley-Wesley. 

‘Every work of art that fails to be recognised by the present as one of its own concerns threatens to disappear, irretrievably’

Walter Benjamin

Rebecca McCutcheon

Rebecca is a founding member of Lost Text/Found Space, directing Til We Meet In England, A Testimony and a Silence, and Cary, the Mariam Cycles.

Rebecca trained at Goldsmiths' College and worked as an assistant & staff director at the RSC, the Almeida Theatre and the National Theatre. Rebecca directed acclaimed productions of Marlowe’s Dido Queen of Carthage, at The House of St Barnabas in Soho, and at Kensington Palace, The Round Dance by Arthur Schnitzler at the Roundhouse and Still Life by Noel Coward at the Aldwych Tube Station, as co-founder of Angels in the Architecture. Theatre-based directing included Bette & Joan for Foursight Theatre and Vincent River for Old Vic Productions. Rebecca's site-based work with Lost Text/Found Space emerges from her AHRC funded PhD at Royal Holloway. Rebecca is also active in Peckham's local community, producing 45 rpm's with Periplum, Bring Me Sunshine and Peckham Patchwork between local shops and schools. www.RebeccaMcCutcheon.com

Talulah Mason

Talulah is a costume and set designer who has collaborated with McCutcheon since 2010, including design of A Testimony and a Silence at Dilston Grove, and Cary: The Mariam Cycles at Hannah Barry Gallery at Copeland Park, Peckham. Talulah is co-founder of Traces London London-based site-specific installation makers specialising in archival research, currently collaborating with the National Trust making 'Loves, Lives, Loss at Fenton House'.

Flora Wellesley-Wesley

Flora is a performer and maker who has collaborated with McCutcheon and Mason since 2010, appearing in their Dilston Grove and Copeland Park projects. She works with a variety of directors, choreographers and visual artists alongside creating her own work. She is co-founder of 'Nora', a Sadler's Wells supported dancer-led project in which dancers curate and perform together. "...intellectually curious, funny and rude, possessed of chameleon stage talents and a taste for risk" The Guardian http://52portraits.co.uk/home/2016/1/8/flora-wellesley-wesley

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